Dashboard makes it easy for a user to understand the current status of the testcases
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Dashboard makes it easy for a user to understand the current status of the testcases
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The Dashboard in QATTS makes it easy for an user to understand the current status of the testcases. The filters on the dashboard further allow the viewer to narrow the dashboard's results to only the data the viewer is interested in.
QATTS dashboard has two main filters on the top left corner viz Product & Code Branch
Product: Clicking on the Product will enable user to switch from one product to other. To make the selected product as default selection click on the radio button of the desired product. This default product will become the users favorite Product on his/her subsequent logins.
Code Branch: You can select or deselect a Code Branch from the available options. The Code Branch varies depending on the selection of the Product. The data results on the dashboard will be shown for the selected Code Branch.
Similar to Product, the user can make a particular Code Branch as his default Code Branch by selecting the radio button.
Deployment: Select the Deployment as per your target application Environment. The dashboard's data for the selection varies depending on the Code Branch, the Product and the Deployment the user has selected.
Client: Select a Client on which you would be performing the testing. The visible selections of clients are based upon the product user has selected. Again, the dashboard results will further narrowed down with the selected Client.
The QATTS dashboard has three cards/layouts to give users a clear view of the information that matters most. The most critical content is simplified with visual elements using charts.
All Test Cases Status: The status of the test cases is represented in a Doughnut chart: how many test cases are passed, how many failed and yet to run.
The Analyze link at bottom redirects the view to the Test Result by clients, where QATTS gives you a detailed view of all the test cases.
Functionality Test Cases Status: Here test cases are segregated according to the functionality names. It shows how many test cases to be run, failed or yet to run.
Latest 5 Test Runs: It displays the recent five test cases executed in the application for the selected Product and Code Branch