This page gives us how extraction of table data works and how to customize
First Name | Last Name | |
Ashile | M.Smith | smith.ash@yahoo.com |
Robert | H.Chan | robert.h@outlook.com |
Mark | F.Flores | flores.mark@gmail.com |
Leonardo | Carvalho | l.carvalho@yahoo.in |
Now, let's consider the above table for extraction.
In the UI element the locator configured should give us the number of rows
Approach 1 (When we want to decide what needs to be extracted)
Under the properties section. Below Configure the below
prop.column:Your_ProductElement = Your_UIElement / LocatorType:LocatorValue
Ex : prop.column:FirstName = la.firstName
In the above format we can configure all the columns or the column's we require.
Approach 2 (When we want all the columns with auto key names)
If you have written a locator which gives all columns . Configure as below.
prop.columns.locator = Your_UIElement / LocatorType:LocatorValue
The result for the above prop will look like below
Item1 : value
Item2 : value
Item3 : value
With any approach once all the rows has been extracted. It will check for the below prop
prop.nextPage.link : UI Element / Locator Type : Locator Path
If it was configured it will navigate to each active page in the pagination and extracts the data
Last updated