UI Action Methods
These methods are only applicable for UI Based Test Class. i.e. web, mobile & desktop based pass testing
Assertion methods
In testing context, assertions make sure the product has met the expectations. QATTS gives you various useful and simple methods to run assertions.
State Check
Assert HTML Elements
Assert Product Elements
Assert Groups
State Check
stateCheck function is used to know whether the execution control landed on the intended page. This method requires three parameters.
void stateCheck(String htmlElementName, String attType,String targetValue)
Name | Type | Description |
htmlElementName | String | Dom element name |
attType | String | Type of the attribute |
targetValue | String | The actual value of the html element |
Code snippet
Assert HTML Element
assertElement method compares the actual value of a html element name with the expected target value. Here the attType param gives additional information about the html element on with the assertion has to be made.
boolean assertElement(String htmlElementName, String attType, String targetValue)
Name | Type | Description |
htmlElementName | String | HTML element name |
attType | String | Type of the attribute |
targetValue | String | The actual value of the html element |
Code snippet
Assert Product Elements
assertField methods compares the actual value of the Product element with the expected value. There are two method variants in this category. The first method with additional param Object objectValue can used when you know exact expected value or the expected value is expected to be from previous test result.
The latter method will perform assertion from the test data found in the excel sheet.
boolean assertField( String prodElementName, String elementType, Object objectValue)
boolean assertField( String prodElementName, String elementType)
Name | Type | Description |
prodElementName | String | Dom element name |
elementType | String | Type of the UI element. [input, view, error] |
objectValue | Object | The actual value |
Assert Groups
Group assertion is similar to the above element assertion. The only difference is you will be doing assertion on a group. All the Product element under the given group will be asserted in a single go. By setting recursive, Qatts will find all the product elements under the group by continuously looping through subgroups.
boolean assertGroup(String groupName,String elementType)
boolean assertGroup(String groupName, String elementType, boolean recursive)
Name | Type | Description |
groupName | String | Name of the group |
elementType | String | Type of the UI element. [input, view, error] |
recursive | boolean | TRUE or FALSE |
Data population methods
Automation process requires loading of test data from the data repository. QATTS has couple of data loading methods that assist in test automation process. These methods work on Product Elements.
Populate Field
populateField method is used to populate the UI element with the test data.
void populateField( String elementName)
void populateField( String elementName, Object objectValue)
Name | Type | Description |
elementName | String | Name of the group |
objectValue | Object | The value to be search |
Code Snippet
Populate Group
void populateGroup( String groupName)
void populateGroup( String groupName,boolean recursive)
Populate Alert
void populateAlert(String productElement)
Link methods
Extract Links
List extractLinks(String url, String productElement)
List extractLinks(String productElement)
Check Broken Link
Map checkBrokenLink(String url)
Other UI action Methods
Perform Named Action
void performNamedAction( String actionName)
Perform Scenario Testing
void performScenarioTesting(String sectionName)
Perform UI Checks
void performUIChecks( String sectionName)
For more information on UI Checks click here
Perform Page Checks
void performPageChecks(String productElement)
Wait for invisibility of element
boolean waitForInvisibilityOfElement(String htmlElementName)
Get table data
List> getTableData(String UIElement)
Refresh page
void refreshPage(String url)
Alert action
void alertAction(String htmlElement, String data)
Get element size
int getElementSize(String htmlElementName)
boolean contains(String htmlElementName, String attType,String targetValue)
boolean containsElement(String htmlElementName)
boolean containsText(String findText)
Map extractGroup( String groupName,String elementType)
Map extractGroup( String groupName,String elementType,boolean recursive)
QArray extractTableData(String htmlElementName)
String getErrorMsg(String elementName)
String getText(String htmlElementName)
String getAttribute(String htmlElementName,String attName)
QStringArray getAttributes(String htmlElementName)
void clearField(String elementName)
boolean mouseOver( String elementName)
boolean mouseOverAndClick( String elementName)
boolean mouseOverIf( String elementName)
boolean mouseOverAndClickIf( String elementName)
void switchWindow(Integer windowNo)
void switchWindow(String windowName)
void switchToFrame(String nameOrId)
void switchToDefaultFrame()
void closeWindow(Object window)
boolean clickIf( String elementName)
boolean click( String elementName)
void takeScreenShot(String labelName)
void checkW3(String url)
void checkW3()
void checkAccessibility()
void checkAccessibility(String url)
void checkAccessibility(String url,String uAgent)
void checkAccessibility(String url, boolean uAgent)
Object getUserInput(String ...attName)
Last updated