Configure Test Data Repository

Test data is a set of data that are used in the software testing

Test data is a set of data that are used in the software testing. Test data comprises all sorts of data input required to test system’s functionalities. The location where test data resides is known as Test Data Repository.

QATTS currently allows two types of repositories

  1. SharePoint

  2. Drop Box


To configure your data to the SharePoint you can follow the below illustration.

You need to enter all the SharePoint properties in product properties as displayed below.

storageType: SharePoint
class: com.ibaseit.filestore.service.SharepointStorageService
site: Testify
host: Enter the location of your host
clientId: Enter your client id here
clientSecret: Enter your clientsecret id.
userName: Enter the Username
password: Enter the password for the above username
tokenEndPoint: Enter your sharePoint tokenend point location.
resource: Enter your SharePoint location.

After fill up all the properties click on the Update button all the details would be saved.

Drop Box

To configure your data to the Drobox follow the below format.

props.dropbox.accessToken: Enter your Dropbox token here

Last updated