A QData contains values on basis of key and value pairs, Each pair of key and value is called as an entry.
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A QData contains values on basis of key and value pairs, Each pair of key and value is called as an entry.
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Rules :
Key name should be UNIQUE, If the same key name was inserted multiple times. It would be overridden.
Example : QData employeeInfo = extractGroup("firstEmployee");
Sample :
"firstName" : "John",
"middleName" : "deSouza",
"lastName" : "D",
"SSN" : "789",
"dob" : "08/08/2000",
"Eligibility" : true
Ways to get data from QData :
How to get the value as String ?
String empFirstName = employeeInfo.getValueAsString("firstName");
How to get the value as Integer?
Integer empSSN = employeeInfo.getValueAsInteger("SSN");
How to get the value as Boolean?
Boolean empEligibility = employeeInfo.getValueAsBoolean("Eligibility");
List of QData Commands :
Method Name | Arguments | Return Type | Description |
getValue | Key Name | Object | When the user wants the value to be returned in OBJECT (Data Type) and convert to the required Data type like Qarray,QStringArray etc. This can be used |
isEmpty | NO ARGS | Boolean | This checks whether the initialized Qdata is empty / not |
size | NO ARGS | Integer | This returns the count of the keys in initialized Qdata |
getKey | NO ARGS | ||
toMap | NO ARGS | Map<String,Object> | This converts the Qdata object to JAVA Map class |
containsValue | Value | Boolean | This checks the whole Qdata for the given value, return true if the value matches to any of the key |
setValue | key and value | VOID | This inserts the given key and value to the Qdata |
getValueAsString | Key Name | String | This provides the values in the String |
getValueAsQData | Key Name | Qdata | This returns the sub object data in Qdata format, by the key name provided |
getValueAsQStringArray | Key Name | QStringArray | Returns Key Value as QStringArray if the key value is a String, or multiple values separated with comma it will be converted to QStringArray. |
getValueAsQIntegerArray | Key Name | QIntegerArray | Returns Key Value as QIntegerArray if the key value is a String, or multiple values separated with comma it will be converted to QIntegerArray. |
toJsonArray | key and value | String | This converts the Qdata into complete JSON object and the results would be as below sample. givenKeyName : givenValueName : [all the Qdata converted to JSON] |
getKeyNames | NO ARGS | QStringArray | This lists out all the key names. |
doAssert | |||
bindToContext | tfStepContext | Context Values will be set | This save each and every pair to context and the user can utilize them |
bindToTestRun | tfStepContext | Run Values will be set | This save each and every pair to RUN VALUES and the user can utilize them |
toJson | NO ARGS | String | This converts the compelete Qdata into JSON, this will be utilized in API |
dump | NO ARGS | String | This converts the complete Qdata into string Note : This can be utilized to print the whole Qdata for validating in development activities |
hasDataFor | |||
getValueAsDouble | Key Name | Double | This provides the values in the Double |
_getValue | |||
getValueAsBoolean | Key Name | Boolean | This provides the values in the Boolean |
getValueAsInteger | Key Name | Integer | This provides the values in the Integer |
invokeDataModifiers |