Step by step walkthrough on how to add API

Step by step walkthrough

To Add API kindly follow the below steps

STEP 1: Go to Studio on the Left Navigation, it directs to new window which will be appearing as shown below.

STEP 2: On the right corner Click on "+" icon and select Add API, it should appear as below.

STEP 3: Fill the required details as shown in the below screenshot.

The following is the detailed explanation for adding API details.

  • API Name: The Name of the API need to be filled ( it could be any name of your convenience).

  • Description: Mention in detail the project or what type of testing is to be conducted.

  • Type: It consists of two testing methods -SOAP, REST. Choose according to your need.

  • Select Group: select the group name which you prefer to conduct the test on.

  • END Point Url: Add the URL of the source which you are conducting the test.

  • Methods: POST, GET, PUT, HEAD, PATCH, DELETE, OPTION, TRACE - need to choose one of these methods according to the Testing requirements.

STEP 4: Click on Save to save the details you have entered.

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