
Request Headers Here we add the Important properties of the API, such as Authorization and Content-Type

Request Template This where we give input for the API, as we all know input is mandatory for the POST,PUT,PATCH method in most cases. Which can be taken from the API request tab from the website. Here in the request template we can parameterize the input data in this format ${FirstName} as shown below.


  • All parameterized words needs to be a product element.

  • we cannot parameterize the Dynamic(changing data for every request) element.

Default Params

Here you can give input for the parameterized request. All the parameterized names must be a product element where we give our data.

Note: Whatever data is parameterize should use that in the excel sheet to give our data.

Request Body Here you get whatever data parameterized in the request template with the input that was given in the default parameter.

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