2.1 Adding Product
Pre-Requisite : User should have the QATTS Administration permissions.
Login to the QATTS application.
On the Left Navigation Menu, Click on the Administration.
You should see the Product Management menu with the “Product Management”, click on that Product Management.
When you click on the “Product Management”, the page will appear as also shown in the screenshot below. Then Click on “Product”.
When you click on the “Product”, the page should appear as shown in the screenshot below. Then Click on “Add Product”.
When you click on the “Add Product”, the page should appear as also shown in the screenshot below
You need to fill the below fields.
Product Name
Product Description
Select the application type.
If your application is web application (HTML App) select the web – html.
If your application is web application (Angular App) select the web – Angular.
If your application is Desktop application, select the Desktop
If your application is Desktop (Electron) select the Desktop – Electron.
If your application is Mobile (IOS) select the Mobile - iOS
If your application is Mobile (Android) select the Mobile - android
If your using only API’s select the API
Select the test data location type. If your Test Data Location Type is File System, then you need to enter the Test Data Location path otherwise you can leave this filed.
After you filled up the details click on save button.
The product should be created successfully for you and created product displayed in the grid like the screenshot below.
Please refer 2.10.1 section for managing the product (Edit/Delete).
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