Create API Objects

Go to the Studio dashboard.

Click on the plus icon (+) in object.

Click on the Add API link.

You need fill the below details

  1. Enter API Name

  2. API Description

  3. Select the section name

  4. Type

  5. Http method

  6. Enter the API request URL.

After fill up the form click on Save button. The page should appear as also shown in the screenshot below.

Click on the eye icon to select the deployment.

Select the deployment.

Click on the request headers tab to add the request headers of an API.

Enter the header name in property name and enter header value in property value.

Click on the request template tab to add the request of an API.

Select your request template format and then enter the API request.

After fill up the form click on Save button. And then click on Test button.

You will see the status of the API test.

Click on the Test Log Messages tab. Here completed details log is displayed.

Click on the Response Body tab. Here response of an API is displayed.

Last updated