3.1.2 Adding Test Case

On the dash board click on the test cases.

If your product has client select the client

Select the functionality which you want to add test cases.

Click on the “New Test Case Button”.

Here you can see two parts

  • Functionality definition

  • Test case definition

In the test case definition part you need to fill the below fields

  • Enter the test case reference

  • Select the test case type

  • Select severity

  • Select Priority

  • Enter the estimated time

  • Select the weightage

  • Test case levels are optional

After fill the form you can save the test case or draft the test case.

Click on the Draft button.

Draft means you are making the test case for review purpose. Whenever you click on the draft button test case status is set to the draft state.

Now manager/Lean will start reviewing the test case

Click on the edit icon.

Click on the For review button. Now your test case is in review state.

After reviewing the test case again click on the edit icon

Then save the test case. Your test case ready to execute.


Note: only ready state test case is you able to execute remaining you test cases you cannot.

Last updated